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Vlad's blog

Blog iconDuring last year (2010 - 2011), I was involved in creation of many websites and in installing of several enterprise systems. I have made so many different installations along with fixing so many problems in different systems (Dell servers, office LAN, VPN, Linux based routers, VoIP, OpenERP, Joomla, HTML/JavaScript, PHP, C++, C# and others, interactive kiosks), that I decided to start my blog where I can publish my solutions hopping it can help somebody.
There is a small list of areas where I did something: enterprise server installation, OpenERP, Joomla developing, HTML and JavaScript developing, C++ and C# developing, ArtWork with InkScape and GIMP, interactive kiosks installation and configuring and many others.

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or thoughts.

OpenERP v.5.0.12–> 6.0.1 migration: financial information/account invoice

account_invoice table migration

This is the table, I started the migration for. I had many records as invoices and I need to have them in my new system. The problem with them is each invoice has many lines where product and services with price were specified along with taxes and analytic accounts, not to mention links with partners (customers) and their addresses. So, this is the central table for all my migration.

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OpenERP v.5.0.12–> 6.0.1 migration: fixing problem with incorrect table schema definition for output

The common problem at the migration is when the expressor (in my case ver.3.4) created output table schema incorrectly. You can realize such a problem when you write your rules and all of a sudden you see that values with decimal parts cannot be writen. Or in my case, some times, I cannot store text data.

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OpenERP v.5.0.12–> 6.0.1 migration: financial information/taxes

In this article I explain how I migrated account_tax_code and account_tax tables.

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OpenERP v.5.0.12–> 6.0.1 migration: financial information/financial dictionaries

account_payment_term table migration

The table is quite small, you can use expressor Studio for the migration or simply merge all data directly by editing information in tables.

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OpenERP v.5.0.12–> 6.0.1 migration: financial information/analytic information

In this article, I start a serie of knowledge sharing about OpenERP system migration. Today, I explain how I migrated analytics information from OpenERP version 5.0.12 to 6.03.

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