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OpenERP client 6.0.3 doesn’t work in Kubuntu 11.10–how to fix

I am not alone who installed Kubuntu 11.10and tried to use OpenERP Client 6.0.3 on it but experienced a problem as follows:

  1. You can open the client;
  2. You can connect to your server;
  3. You can browse menu;
  4. But each time, you double click on a menu item, nothing happens;

You can read the full story here (my credits): http://www.pds-host.co.uk/blog/?p=49, but the fix is relatively simple, just install the following libraries:

sudo apt-get install python-egenix-mxdatetime python-egenix-tools

Enjoy KDE in business environment!

Swiss TAX(es) configuration for l10n_ch localization

Each time I use OpenERP for real life work, I experience luck of business guidance. Due to I use this system a lot of time and I was forced to learn the system and apply my knowledge to the real business cases, I decided to publish some business related OpenERP guidance in my blog.

This post is about Swiss TAX(es) configuration.

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OpenERP v.5.0.12–> 6.0.1 migration: financial information/analytic information

In this article, I start a serie of knowledge sharing about OpenERP system migration. Today, I explain how I migrated analytics information from OpenERP version 5.0.12 to 6.03.

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